Postbox Live: Google news india - Dr. Rakhmabai Raut is the first Indian woman doctor.

Google news india - Dr. Rakhmabai Raut is the first Indian woman doctor.

Google news india - Dr. Rakhmabai Raut is the first Indian woman doctor

Indian, woman, doctor


Dr. Rakhmabai : Salute to the first Indian woman, Dr. Rakhmabai Raut, on her memorial day.



Marathmola, Dr. Rakhmabai  Dr. Rakhmabai Raut, the first female doctor to provide medical services in India, is actually named Anandibai Joshi as the first Indian female doctor. Dr. Rakhmabai Rakhmabai, however, also maintained her social work by doing medical services during that time. In a time when women were given a secondary position, Rakhmabai Raut overcame the circumstances and reached the pinnacle of success.

Dr. Rakhmabai   Rakhmabai Raut is also known as Rukmabai. She was the first female Indian doctor during the British era. He not only served patients but also fought for the rights of Indian women. His contribution to ending the practice of child marriage has become a milestone in Indian history.

Dr. Rakhmabai  was born on November 22, 1864, in Mumbai. Rakhmabai's mother had a child marriage. At the age of 14, Dr. Rakhmabai was married to Rakhmabai's mother, Jayanthibai. At the age of 15, Rakhmabai was born. My father died at the age of 17. When Jayantibai was just 17 years old, her husband died, and Rakhmabai lost her paternal umbrella. Later, Jayantibai Dr. had a second marriage with Sakharam Raut.

Dr. Rakhmabai: Information about the first Indian woman, Dr. Rakhmabai

Like her mother, Rakhmabai also got married as a child. Rakhmabai was married to Dadaji Bhikaji at the age of 11. But he stayed at home and studied medicine.

In March 1884, Dadaji filed a petition for conjugal rights in the Bombay High Court and demanded that Dr. Rakhmabai Rakhmabai live with him. At that time, stay with Dadaji or go to jail, the court said. Of course, Rakhmabai rejected that decision and fought a court battle. After winning the court battle, Rakhmabai successfully provided medical services for about 35 years. Along with this, he also wrote against the practice of child marriage and the seclusion of women.

Dr. Rakhmabai : complete information about the first Indian woman, Dr. Rakhmabai Raut

Rakhmabai was an intelligent, resourceful, brave, and service-minded person. Today, the words feminism and women's liberation are used very easily, and they are important. But fifty-five hundred years ago, a woman rejecting a husband who was too ordinary for her knowledge was a revolutionary event at that time.

Due to this decision, the elders woke up. The English daily 'Native Opinion' criticised the decision of the court. Lokmanya Tilak also raised criticism from his 'Kesari' newspaper. But Rakhmabai's father, Dr. Sakharam Raut, stood firm with the girl. But he died on April 18, 1885, at the age of just 45, due to this huge rush and mental stress.

Information about Dr. Rakhmabai, the first Indian woman doctor.

Dadaji Thakur then appealed to the High Court against the court's decision. Everyone's attention was drawn to the verdict in this case, which came before Chief Justice Feren. This time, however, the verdict of the High Court was against Rakhmabai. Justice Feren ruled that Rakhmabai should move to her husband's house within one month from the date of the judgement.

But Dr. Rakhmabai did not waver from her decision. 23-year-old Dr. Rakhmabai Rakhmabai had practiced social boycott and criticism till then. They were facing each other each other firmly. She became a warrior against injustice. As a result, the dispute raged. News about this topic started coming from major newspapers across the country, and Justice Ranade, Gopalrao Agarkar, and Dr. Scholars such as Bhandarkar, Raosaheb Mandalik, and Pandita Ramabai stood behind Rakhmabai. This topic started getting popular in many major newspapers abroad, like the 'London Times' and 'St. James Gazette'. Even in England, social trends became a topic of discussion. The intellectual women of that place promised to support Dr. Rakhmabai through a letter. "London Times" Bishop of Chatterley himself took the initiative and brought this news to the ears of Queen Victoria of England and the Viceroy of India. As a result, it was decided to try the case again before the Privy Council. Principal Wordsworth also established an organisation called 'Rakhmabai A Hindu Lady Defence Committee' for the expenses of this trial.

Dr. Rakhmabai : History of the First Indian Woman, Dr. Rakhmabai Raut

The dispute was settled on July 5, 1888. After going to England, Rakhmabai completed the study of the subject required to get admission in a medical college in just four months, and in October 1890, Rakhmabai joined the college of 'London School of Medicine for Women'. Her attire is a long-sleeve blouse, a white saree, and a and a big kunku on her forehead. After passing the first and second examinations in 1891 and 1892, respectively, he was admitted to the 'Royal Hospital' for practical training. There, he studied autopsy and anesthesia. He then completed his midwifery and gynaecology training at Rotando Hospital in Dublin. The National Dental Hosp studied dentistry in Tal. Also, he obtained honours in the examination at the London College of Medicine in the subject of 'Childhood Surgery'. After studying various such subjects, she passed her final medical examination in 1894. But the University of London had no authority to grant medical degrees. Dr. Rakhmabai Rakhmabai was not discouraged and took admission to the 'Joint Board of the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons of Edinburgh' for further examination. Here he passed the exams with excellent marks and got the M.D., L.R.C.P., and S (Licensional of the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons) titles. Dr. She returned to India in December 1894 under the name Rakhmabai Sakharam Raut.

Dr. Rakhmabai : Contribution of the First Indian Woman Dr. Rakhmabai Raut

After returning to Mumbai, Rakhmabai started her medical career at Kama Hospital in Mumbai. He established hospitals in Mumbai, Delhi, Rajkot, Surat, etc. in collaboration with the organisation 'Dufferin' in London. In 1896, when the plague struck Surat, he played an important role. Taking cognizance of this, the British government gave him the honour of 'English a Hind'.

Dr. Rakhmabai contributed in the medical field as well as in social work. After retiring from the job in 1917, he took up the work of eradicating superstitions among women. Established an ashram named 'Vanita' for widows. In 1932, he opened the Gavdevi temple to the untouchables. He organised health lectures for prostitutes in Kamathipur. Dr. Rakhmabai Rakhmabai, who contributed to medical and social work and struggled till the last moment of her life, left the world on September 25, 1955, at the age of 92.

A constant flame of energy! The raging storm of feminine thoughts subsided with blood. But her fight remains a role model for women of all times.

Dr. Rakhmabai: The Work of the First Indian Woman Dr. Rakhmabai Raut

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