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Google news india - Human Rights : What are Human Rights?

 Google news india - Human rights : What are Human Rights ?

What are Human Rights Human Rights

Human rights : What are Human Rights ?

Question: What are human rights ?

Human rights are recognised as rights that everyone is born with. Human rights are the rights that every living person has by nature, not because they are given by someone or because they are in a law book.
A modern and profound way of life is a broad consideration of the fundamental idea that we all live as living persons in a human society with equality and dignity. The concept of human rights encompasses the universality of rights that every person in the world has, regardless of caste, religion, caste, gender, culture, opinion, and nationality. Human rights are inalienable in nature.

Question: What is the role of the United Nations in establishing the concept of human rights, and how was the law of human rights created ? When is International Human Rights Day celebrated? What is the role behind it ?

Answer: The horrific reality that came out as a result of World War II is the slaughter of innocents, the global strangulation of human life and dignity, the genocide of a human group because of one race, the encroachment of humanity on the basis of religion and nationality, the abuse of women and girls, rape, and the many cases of physical mutilation that followed, and the feeling that there should be a mechanism or law to protect human rights and that every country should adhere to certain international terms and conditions to maintain world peace.
The United Nations has played a major role in launching the campaign to protect rights and dignity. In 1945, a remote body among the many departments of the United Nations was given the task of drafting the 'International Bill of Human Rights'.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948, as the next step towards putting this International Bill of Human Rights into effect. Ever since, the day has grown in importance. International Human Rights Day is celebrated on December 10th to raise awareness of human rights for all people and to promote world peace.

Q: Do you think human rights law is facing new problems?

Rapidly changing technology, impact of military pressures, inevitable capitalistic system, use and abuse of nuclear power, increasing awareness of individual rights and increasing mastery of symbolic movement, sea area, from quadrupeds to the use of river vessels and from mountain slopes to the use of space, distribution of food grains, and distribution of food.
Human rights issues extend to affordable medicines, deforestation, and ozone layer depletion. The Human Rights Act has come forward as a democratic concept that considers the rights of a person to live a life with dignity, and its international nature is becoming more effective day by day. All this is essential for the protection of human rights.

Question: How did India respond regarding the protection of human rights? What are the features of India's Protection of
human rights Act 1993?

According to the Universal Declaration, which came into existence in 1948 on the initiative of the United Nations, it was said that all the countries of the world should make a suitable law for the protection of human rights in their countries.
After a long gap of 45 years after 1948, India enacted the Protection of Human Rights Act in 1993, responding to the concept of protection of human rights. The fact that the citizens of the country have not registered any protests against the delayed fulfilment of political promises made at the international level may also be considered part of our insensitivity.

The Protection of Human Rights Act 1993 is based on the constitutional values of right to life, liberty, equality, and personal dignity. But it is generally objected to that this Act is only procedural and provides mechanical and managerial information on how the Human Rights Protection Commission will be structured, how appointments will be made, how long the tenure will be, where and how to file a complaint, salary structure, and provision of expenses.
Compared to other countries, India's human rights protection laws are weak and do not clearly define who is a victim of injustice.

Question: What types of fundamental rights are guaranteed to be protected in the Constitution of India?

Equality before law, prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or birth, equal opportunity in matters of public service schemes, abolition of untouchability, freedom of speech and expression, right to peaceful assembly and disarmament, right to freedom of movement throughout India, Right to conduct any trade and business in a lawful manner; liberty of life; personal liberty; right to education; freedom from harassment; freedom of religion; right to demand rights through constitutional remedies.

It is included in the Constitution of India.

Question: What is your opinion about the misuse of the concept of human rights ?

There is strength in the concept of human rights. The reality is that those who can have influence are exploited.

The misuse of this concept by some people, however, makes it obvious that these tendencies are incorrect. Human rights are thought to be violated by people who hold positions of power or who think they ought to have them, by people who subvert the goals of the law and use its implications in a narrow, self-serving way, and by certain legal experts who support them. It would be unfair, though, to claim that the concept of human rights is defective.

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