Postbox Live: Google news india - Freedom Fighters of India: Sardar Udham singh ji

Google news india - Freedom Fighters of India: Sardar Udham singh ji

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                                             26 December 1899–31 July 1940

Freedom Fighters of India: Sardar Udham singh ji

"'I have seen Hindi people starving to death in India under the heel of British imperialism.

At Amritsar, I have witnessed the scenes of inhuman slaughter by General Dyer under O'Dwyer himself.

It was because of this incident that I became a hater of the British Empire. By killing O'Dwyer, I would not have taken this revenge.

So the name of India would have been tarnished! What greater honour can I have than to die for my motherland?

I don't care if your sentence is ten, fifteen, or twenty years, or the death penalty. What is the purpose of living to old age?

To die young is true manhood! I am sacrificing for my  country!"!

Freedom Fighters of India: Sardar Udham singh ji

In the year 1916, the Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place.
At that time, the freedom fighters of India—Sardar Udham singh ji —were there.

He himself was working as a volunteer to give water to the people gathered in the meeting there. He had seen with his own eyes the carnage that took place there.

He was distressed by the whole incident. Therefore, they became angry against the foreign British government and decided to take revenge.

In 1937, Udham Singh went to London. There he came in close proximity to the freedom fighters of India—the revolutionaries of India's freedom movement.

Among them, V.K. He also got to know Krishna menon and 'Kesari's' London correspondent, Dattopant Tamhankar.

Sardar Udham singh ji used to assist him during his meetings and lectures in London.

Similarly, when Michael O'Dwyer, who lived nearby, was giving a speech in Hyde Park, he stopped to listen to the speech while passing by.

O'Dwyer did not tolerate Tamhankar's propaganda of Hindi independence at that time. He shouted to the speakers there,

"You don't deserve freedom. Speak first about the untouchables of India."

"You yourself are untouchable," said Tamhankar in a high-pitched voice.

And turning to the audience and pointing at them, she said, "Look at the butcher of Jallianwala Bagh!
Of course, this is the butcher of Jallianwala Bagh.

At that time, Udham singh ji was calm. But the thought of revenge in his mind got stronger at that time.

Freedom fighters of India living there: Udham singh found out the address and complete information of Odwai living in London.

He befriended a British Tammy here and collected a pistol and some cartridges from him.

At that time, Sardar Udham Singh understood that O'Dwyer would attend a meeting at Caxton Hall in London.

He proved himself for that. After finishing the lunch, he put on his suit and

American-made Sahabari Smit and Weissen revolvers were carried in coat pockets.

A total of 25 live cartridges and a large gun were also kept in four bags. Placing a felt hat on his head, he headed to Caxton Hall for the scheduled evening meeting.

Freedom Fighters of India As soon as Sardar Udham singh ji reached the meeting place, fifteen to twenty minutes had passed since the lecture had started.

At that meeting, Michael O'Dwyer was sitting in the left-hand chair in the front row. Making his way, Udham Singh reached in front of the fifth row of chairs from the dais.

O'Dwyer would have gotten up from his seat for a bit of free movement during a lecture that had been going on for a long time.

Udham singh ji stepped forward and immediately took out the revolver that was near him.

Six shots were fired in quick succession behind O'Dwyer's back from a distance of only three yards. The first two bullets pierced O'Dwyer's back.

Satisfied that his work was done without a hitch, he was arrested by the police while he was leaving.

The next day after this incident, the news of Sardar Udham Singh's sensational act spread in London as well as in India.

While the Punjab rulers condemned Udham singh ji by singing O'Dwyer's songs, Gandhi, as usual, was a'sign of indolence'.

Saying this, the heroic deed of Udham singh ji was thus described. Actually, Udham Singh's intention in this act was to take national revenge.

And without shocking it, they had succeeded.

What they have done by accusing them of terrorism when their intention is not terrorism is defunct ideology.

What a great injustice to a great patriot to say so. There was only one patriot who broke this injustice in India in 1940.

That is Swatantra Veer Savarkar. If Udham singh cannot be praised among protestors and mourners, do not condemn him.

Savarkar was troubled by such statements.

Freedom Fighters of India: Udham singh ji was indicted on March 21, 1940.

There, Sardar Udham Singh described the atrocities of the British state in India and said, "There were countless atrocities in India under British rule.

The massacre of Hindi people by General Dyer in Amritsar, Punjab, was inhumane. It took place under Michael O'Dwyer.

I became a hater of the British Empire after hearing the reports there. I would not have taken this revenge in the name of thirty-three crore people dying in India.

Then the name of India would have been tarnished. And so I killed to drive away this vision."

After this statement, the freedom fighter of India, Sardar Udham singh ji , was sentenced to death.

Dated July 31 at 9 o'clock in the morning in Pentle ville prison, 31 years ago, Peacemaker Madanlal Dhingra ji was hanged.

At the same place and on the same cross, the great revolutionary Sardar Udham singh ji was hanged.

As soon as he ascended the cross, like the valour of a heroic Hindu martyr, he stuck his own neck in the noose and left his precious body hanging in the valley of death for a moment.

Such a death-defying hero outside India who avenged a notorious Englishman on behalf of the Indian nation at the cost of his life.

Sardar Udham singh ji 's name will remain immortal in the Indian freedom struggle.

Salute to such freedom fighters of India as Immortal Martyr Revolutionary Sardar Udham singh on his Sacrifice Day today!

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