Postbox Live: Google news india - savitribai phule jayanti – Jnyanjyoti Savitribai Phule

Google news india - savitribai phule jayanti – Jnyanjyoti Savitribai Phule

 Google news india - Savitribai phule jayanti –  nyanjyoti Savitribai Phule

savitribai phule

3rd January Savitribai's birth anniversary She showed the light of knowledge to a society that was blinded by superstition and ignorance in the nineteenth century.

Savitribai continued to fight till the end without wavering or getting tired, removing the thorns of humiliation from the path of the society.   Salutations to that Savitribai on behalf of all women.

What will I sing about your importance"

Our story is incomplete without you”

Don't care for society at the moment of life"

You are a diamond of fearless bravery”

Friendship of education was put beyond the heart-child"

You are Savitri like all women are born.

Salutations to every form of yours”

May you bless all the women.”

Salutations to you now”

Jyotiba Phule herself was a great thinker, activist, social reformer, writer, philosopher, editor and revolutionary. Savitribai was not educated. After marriage, Jyotiba taught her to read and write. Later this same Savitribai savitribai phule jayanti became the first teacher not only in the Dalit community but also in the entire country. received At that time, the condition of girls was very miserable and they were not even allowed to read and write. To break this system, Jyotiba and Savitribai established a school for girls in 1848.

It was the first girls' school to be started in India.

Savitribai Phule herself used to go to this school to teach girls. But it was not that easy. He faced stiff opposition from the people. He not only suffered insults from the people but also stones thrown by the people. When Savitribai was going to school, religious contractors and opponents of women's education would throw not only garbage, sludge and dung, but also human excrement on her. This would make Savitribai's clothes very dirty, so she would bring another saree with her and change it when she came to school. Despite this, she did not give up and continued her work of women's education, social work and social upliftment.

Struggle for widow remarriage

Seeing the unfortunate situation of widows including women's education, he started widow remarriage and built an ashram for widows in 1854. He also opened an ashram for newborns to prevent female and infanticide. Looking at the increasing trend of female infanticide in the country today, one can understand how important it was to focus on the problem of female infanticide and try to stop it at that time.

He made a lot of efforts to improve the condition of widows and to prevent the practice of sati among widows, to encourage remarriage. Savitribai Phule not only prevented a pregnant widow named Kashibai from committing suicide along with her husband but also kept her in her home and took care of her and delivered her on time. Later he adopted her son Yashwant and gave him good education who later became a famous doctor. Savitribai Phule never looked back. During his lifetime, he opened 18 women's schools in Pune itself. In 1854, Jyotiba and Savitribai Phule opened an orphanage, the first orphanage in India to be started by an individual.

Along with this, he established the Infanticide Prevention Home to prevent infanticide due to unwanted pregnancy. Working in his social upliftment work, Jyotiba along with his followers founded an organization called Satyashodak Samaj on 24 September 1873. Jyotiba herself was the president and Savitribai Phule was the head of the women's department. The main objective of this organization is to liberate the Shudras and extreme Shudras from the exploitation of the upper castes. Savitribai also contributed a lot to the work of Jyotib. Jyotiba Phule worked for the salvation of lower castes, women and Dalits throughout her life. The contribution of his wife Savitribai Phule in this work is unique. Even sometimes Jyotiba Phule himself used to take guidance from his wife Savitribai Phule.

After the death of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule on November 28, 1890, Savitribai Phule along with her followers completed the unfinished works of her husband Mahatma Jyotiba Phule's social work and spread the truth seeker society far and wide. In 1897, a terrible plague spread in Pune. While ministering to plague patients, Savitribai Phule herself succumbed to the plague and died on 10 March 1897. Doing all these tasks at that time was not as easy as it seems today. Despite many difficulties and strong opposition in the society, the country has always been indebted to Savitribai Phule for her significant contribution in improving the standard of living and education of women and reforming traditional practices.

Greetings to Savitribai Phule savitribai phule jayanti on her birth anniversary


Dr Suvarna Naik Nimbalkar

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