Postbox Live: Google news india - Babasaheb Ambedkar and Ramabai

Google news india - Babasaheb Ambedkar and Ramabai

Google news india - Babasaheb Ambedkar and Ramabai – I remembered the letter sent by Babasaheb to Ramabai.

letter sent by Babasaheb to Ramabai

The words in the letter were few but the content was big. As much as the content was understood, it appeared on the paper.

Babasaheb's letter to Ramai

Rama, if you had not come into my life…

Rama! How are you Rama? I missed you Yashwant a lot today. Your memory has made my heart very sad today. My speeches in the last few days were very popular.
Newspapers here have written about my speeches as the best speeches in the conference, the best examples of effective oratory.

I was thinking about my role in this first round table conference. And the world of all the victims of our country stood before my eyes. These people have been buried for thousands of years under the mountains of sorrows.

Their understanding is that there is no alternative to this darkness. I am surprised Rama! But I am fighting. It was like my intellectual power had become supreme! A lot of emotions have come to my mind. The mind has become very sensitive.

The mind is very disturbed! And missed you all at home. missed you Remembered Yashwant. You came to take me to the boat. Even though I was saying no, your heart did not hold you back. You came to deliver me. I was going to a round table conference. I was cheering everywhere. you were watching Your mind was blown.

You were overwhelmed with gratitude. You did not speak with words; But your eyes were saying what words couldn't say. Your silence spoke louder than words. The lump in your throat was throbbing up to your lips. At that time, the language of the tears in the eyes came to your aid rather than the language of the words of the lips.

And now here in London all these things have come to mind. The mind has become fragile. Life is changing. How are you Rama! How is your success? Does he remember me? How is his opportunistic pain? Chant Rama to him!
Our four children have left us. Now there is only Yashwant. That is the basis of your motherhood now.

We should protect him. Take care of Yashwant Rama! Make Yashwant study a lot. Wake him up at night to study. My dad wakes me up at night to study. So they stayed awake. He disciplined me. I woke up, started studying when they used to sleep.

At the very beginning I got tired of getting up at night to study. At that time sleep was more important than studies. Later, for the rest of his life, studies seemed more important than sleep. Most of the credit goes to my father. My father used to burn like oil to keep the flame of my studies burning. They made the day of the night. Illuminated the darkness.

My father's hard work has now paid off. Rama feels very happy today. Rama Yashwant's mind must have a similar hobby of study. He should become obsessed with the book. Rama, glory, riches are meaningless. You are looking around. Humans are drawn to such things. Their lives stop where they start. The lives of these people do not change places. Rama, we don't want to live like this. We have nothing but sorrows. We have no companionship except poverty, poverty. Difficulties and troubles do not leave us. Insults, persecutions, contempts are chained to us like shadows.

There is darkness behind. There are oceans of sorrow. Our sunrise should be our own Rama. We must become our own way.
We should be the line of lights on that path. We must travel stubbornly on that path.

We have no world. We have to create our own world. We are like this, Rama. So he says make Yashwant study a lot.
Take care of his clothes. Understand it. Instill courage in him. I miss you so much. Yashwant is remembered. Babasaheb Ambedkar and Ramabai
It's not that I don't know, Rama, I know that you are drowning yourself in this fire of sorrows.

You are like leaves falling and life withering. But Rama, what will I do! Poverty that washes its hands from one side. On the other hand, my stubborn fat. Fat knowledge!

I am the ocean of knowledge. I am not aware of anything else at this time; But you also have a share in getting me this power.
You are sitting here sewing my world. You are increasing my morale by adding distilled water.

So I am unconsciously exploring the depths of knowledge.
To be honest, Rama, Babasaheb Ambedkar and Ramabai, I am not cruel. But even if someone comforts me, who flies in the sky with wings of stubbornness, I am tormented.
My heart is scratched and my anger flares up.

I also have a heart Rama! I'm sorry But I have been tied to the revolution! So I have to put my own feelings on the pyre. He sometimes reaches you and Yashwant too. This is true. But this time Rama I am writing this with my right hand and wiping away the smudges with my left hand. Take care of Sudkya Rama. Don't kill him.

That's how I beat him. Never remind him of it. He is now your only worry. I want to address the religious enslavement, economic and social inferiority and mental enslavement of people. These things are arranged in the life of man. They should be cremated. These things should also disappear from the memory and culture of the society.

Rama! You are reading this and your do There have been difficulties in the valley. Throat is tight. Your heart is starting to tremble. Lips are starting to bite. The words standing in the mind cannot even reach the lips.
You are so distracted.

Rama, what if you had not come into my life? What if you were not found as a soulmate? So what would have happened? A woman who only considers worldly happiness as her goal would have left me. Who would like to be half-fed, go to collect cows or go to the work of milking cows after collecting dung or milking cows?

Who would like to go to collect cooking fuel in Mumbai? If you didn't like the order of poverty that came out of my mouth that you should put tiles on the house, sew the clothes, spend a month in this pot box, do this much meditation, this much oil and salt should be buried? I would have been heartbroken.

My stubbornness would have cracked. I would have had a seizure and she would have had an immediate reflux at that point. The game of my dreams would have been destroyed Rama! The whole tone of my life would have been ruined, everything would have been ruined.

Everyone would have been heartbroken. I might have become a stunted plant. Cherish me as you cherish yourself. I will leave soon, don't worry.

stay happy tell everyone.

to know

30 December 1930

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