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Google news india - Battle of Nesari

 Google news india - Battle of Nesari


Battle of Nesari (February 24, 1674): Maratha heroes killed seven during the siege.


Battle of Nesari

Today, February 24th, is known as the Battle of Nesri and on the pages of history as the Day of Bravery. The day this incident took place is the English date of February 24, 1674. Maharaj was at Panhalgad for a few months before the coronation of Shiva. During this period, Adilshahi Sardar Bahlol Khan marched on Swarajya with twenty thousand troops, including elephants and horses. Prataprao Gujar and other prominent chiefs were informed of this, and Chhatrapati Shivaji Raj called him to the fort and ordered that "Khan is making a lot of noise, to kill him.".

Bahlol Khan's stay was at Umrani village, near the Don River. The Marathas first cut off the water from one side, and in a pitched battle on the other side, the Khan was reduced to dust by the Marathas. Without water and under the attack of the Maratha army, the Khan was left with no other option but to surrender. He sent his lawyer to Prataparao. Prataparao's mind was made up by the change of the lawyer and sweet words.

Prataprao Gujar, the commander-in-chief, gave shelter to Khan. Not only that, but he was allowed to leave there without imprisoning him. Khan had betrayed the trust of Prataprao Gujar. When Maharaj came to know all this, he was very angry. was

The intelligent and wise Maharaj had no doubt that Bahlol Khan would come back to avenge the defeat. The Maharaja wrote a letter to Prataprao and asked, "What did you do?" Heartbroken.

Bahlol Khan started attacking back, as predicted by the Maharaja.

The intense preparations for the coronation of Shiva were going on at the Rajgad. And in this way, the attacks of Bahlol Khan could not be digested by the Maharaja. He angrily wrote another letter to Prataprava, "Why is this Bahlol Khan coming to the top? It was impossible for Maharaja to overcome the first mujra of Prataparavas!

These words of the Maharaja were very angry. Maharaja's army had not reached the help of Prataprao. Around this time, Prata Prao was in the area of Gadhinglaj. Prataprao Gujar got the news that Khan's army was marching towards Nesri. And Prataprao marched on Khana with six Shiledars at hand. It was difficult for these seven viras to cope with Khana's vast army. Prataparao was beginning to reach the limit of courage and bravery.

They did not even think about what they could do with only seven people in front of such a huge Pathani army. Visaji Ballal, Vithoji Shinde, Vitthal Pildev, Dipaji Rautrao, Siddhi Hilal, and Krishnaji Bhaskar all decided that there is no mujra for the Maharaja unless the Khana is conquered by the crowd. Prataprao forgot his sense of body and beat the helpless horse in a very unconscious manner. After them, the six Shiledars ran away! where  On Bahlolkhana! On Pathana! Sixth to seventh, Prataparao! Only seven! Only seven! It was as if the seven horses of the chariot of the sun jumped out of the chariot and ran wild.

Prataparava lost his balance. Marathi blood flared up like oil. The ground started to crack. Seven people left with Nesri's money in a dust storm. Prataprao was thirsty for revenge. Anger and revenge had crept into his head. There was no right to ask. Prataparao forgot the chieftainship. He only picked up the sword of sepoys. Who could stop them now? He and the six others had escaped like gunshots.

Bahlol Khan was crossing the mountain pass of the Battle of Nesari with a vast army. At this time, these seven Marathi horsemen came on Khan's army, spreading a feather of dust. What words describe their zeal and their recklessness? Bahlol Khan was surprised. Even in his mind, he had never had the pleasant idea that he would be subjected to such a great deal of trouble with just six people.

Sarsenapati Prataprao and Saha Khana's stormy army rushed into Samindar with their swords. Those who were caught in their attack were dead. The seven made a bet. Pathans' wounds were collapsing on the seven. Battle of Nesari The pass of Nesari was sprinkled with blood. Boats caught in the storm began to sink. Only seven against so much! How long will it last? One by one, Ire's vanguard started to fall on the dam. Finally, Prataparao was blown away after breaking petitions ! Killed! The seven stars of Deccan's wealth are broken! The Maharaja's second Tanaji fell! A huge wave of Khan's army swept through Maharashtra.

Maharaj's words were deeply rooted in Pratapravao. He had vowed that if he did not kill Khana, he would die. These heroes, who reached the limits of courage and bravery, fell to the ground. When the Maharaja heard this news, he was very sad. Under the pressure of emotion, a heavy-chested hero like Sarsenapati Prataparava made another mistake. On February 24, 1674, six heroes, including Prataparava, got heroism. There was a huge loss of wealth. Maharaj's treasure bank was lost.

Shivaraya somewhat lessened the sting of Prataprao's death by marrying his younger son Rajaram to Prataprao's daughter. Later, after the death of Chhatrapati Shambhuraj, Aurangzeb tried to convert Shambhu's son Shahu to Islam. During Aurangzeb's captivity, two sons of Prataprao, Khanderao and Jagjivan Rao, came forward to convert to Islam and saved Shahuraja from conversion.

At Nesri, Prataprao's mausoleum has been very well restored, and his statue has been erected in the main square of the village. A small memorial to him has also been erected in his old palace at Bhosre.

Salutations to these seven heroes!







Dr. Suvarna Naik Nimbalkar

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