Postbox Live: Comedian Charlie Chaplin

Comedian Charlie Chaplin

 Comedian - Charlie Chaplin

Comedian - Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin's.... There are more names of comedians in the world than can be counted on the fingers of the hand, both humorous and real. There is nothing so difficult as hiding the sorrows of life and putting a mask on your face to make the world smile. Among these few artists, Charlie Chaplin's name is the first in the world. 

Charlie Chaplin's . We grew up watching Charlie Chaplin's comedies. This is by Charlie Chaplin. If you ever feel disappointed in life, Comedy movies are available on the internet. Today is the birthday of Charlie Chaplin, who is famous as a comedian, director, singer, musician, and producer. His full name was Charles Spencer Chaplin, but his fans started to know him as 'Charlie Chaplin'. 

He came to the screen in the era of silent films. His acting made him laugh and spread the word. At this level, his name became widespread as a comedian. Charlie Chaplin's birthday He was born on April 16, 1889, in London. His mother and father Both were singers and actors. 

Mother was popularly known as 'Lily Harley' as an actress and singer. But the childhood of this Kalandar artist, who gave the world a laugh, was very traumatic. His father He was away from them. His mother was trying hard to nurture him. 

At the age of nine, Charlie had to go out to work. In it, theirs The mother lost her mental balance and had to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital. After coming home from the hospital, his mother also passed away. Charlie and his brother were sent to their father, but because of his addiction, he died. 

He had to work as a child labourer. I didn't even mean crises at the time because we were constantly in crisis, and because I was young, I even forgot that. He expressed his regret that I could not do anything for my mother during her illness. 

This gives an idea of his situation. Charlie Chaplin Chaplin worked with a travelling music company at a very young ge. Having no musical education, he excelled at playing instruments like the violin. Based on his innate acting skills, he took his first step on the professional stage with his brother Sidney from a children's theatre group, and within a short time he became famous as a top dancer. 

At the age of twelve, he portrayed the character of 'Billy' in the famous play 'Sherlock Holmes'. He started working as a comedian and stage actor. At the age of 19, he got an opportunity to work for the prestigious Fred Karno Company, and he got a chance to go to America with the company. 

The 1921 film "The Kid" was all about Charlie. The film was written, directed, produced, scored, and performed by Charlie. The Registry said the film was an artistic blend of "touching drama, social commentary, and inventive comedy" and proved Chaplin's ability to sustain his artistry beyond his usual small subjects. 

Charlie Chaplin's birthday While he was successful as an artist, his family life was also disturbed. He had a total of four marriages and had a total of nine children. This talented artist passed away on December 25, 1977.

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