Postbox Live: Google news india - Police Station What should I do if someone files a false FIR ?

Google news india - Police Station What should I do if someone files a false FIR ?

 Google news india - Police Station What should I do if someone files a false FIR ?

Police Station What should I do if someone files a false FIR?

If a false FIR is filed, If a false case is filed, Sometimes, due to political pressure or some other reason, some known or unknown person files or lodges a false FIR at the police station and gets caught in a false crime that he did not commit or tries to get caught altogether.

Gets stressed and faces this false case without fail and sometimes even has to face the punishment, but there is no reason to get tired if this happens to you; you will be acquitted, and the person who falsely accused you will also be taught a good lesson.

False FIR Crimes are of two types:

1} Cognizable Offence (serious offences) When an FIR is filed and the police conduct further investigation and action on these types of crimes, arrests can be made even if there is no arrest warrant.

2} Non-Cognizable Offence (General Offenses) N. CR A complaint is registered in the NCR, and a warrant has to be issued for arrest in these crimes. If you are arrested for any type of crime, you have to get bail first.

Kinds of Bail:

1 Regular Bail

2: Anticipatory Bail Out of these, the land should be acquired, and then it should be filed under the High Court Criminal Procedure Code 1973 (Sec. 482).

Under Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 Can apply in the Hon'ble High Court.

1- Application

2- Evidence A document Audio

C- Movie (Video)

D. Witness Any of these types of evidence is required to be submitted to the police station along with the application.

The Hearing Was Done:

If you submit evidence along with your application, the court starts hearing, and if your evidence is strong, the FIR is cancelled or an order is made to cancel it. Appeal to the Hon. Supreme Court against the Hon.High Court.

If you are not satisfied with the judgement of the High Court or if the judgement of the Hon'ble High Court is against you, you can file an appeal in the Supreme Court. Police action stops The police cannot arrest or investigate while your petition is being heard.

Indian Penal Code 1860 (Sections 211 and 500) You can file a case under Sections 211 and 500 of the Indian Penal Code for filing a false case.

Indian Penal Code 1860 (Section 177) Under Section 177 of the Indian Penal Code, you can be booked for knowingly giving false information to a government servant.

Under Section 218 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), if a police officer deliberately creates false records about you, you can file a case.

Indian Penal Code 1860 (Section 220) Under Section 220 of the Indian Penal Code, if a public servant with a corrupt mind imprisons a public servant out of vengeance or for any other reason, such an officer may be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years and with fine.

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