Postbox Live: Google news india - Power Of LOVE !!!

Google news india - Power Of LOVE !!!


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Power Of LOVE !!!

Power Of LOVE

by Nanda Rei 

Most of the time I wonder how can we fall in love with someone we never met...

How can we even convince someone how much you really love them? How can you make them understand that your sun rises and sets on them? how can you make them believe they are the one you see in your dreams and you wish you would never wake up so you wouldn't stop seeing them? 

How can you extend your hand and touch their heart and ignite the same fire you have in yours?

At one time or another you come across people in your lives and from the first "hello" you feel you have known them feel you have been with them watching a sunset or even walking in the rain, but you have no idea where or how...the connection becomes so strong that you actually can finish each other's sentences, you can read each others minds, and yet our eyes never met...

you can be in silence not many words being exchanged but you can feel their presence as if they were sitting right next to can listen to the same romantic music and every word touches your heart as if those words were written with you in mind... 

you can sense when they hurting even if they try to hide it from you, and all you wish is to spare them from the pain. At times they make you feel like a small child running through the valley's chasing rainbows...

May be not many of you out there have experienced these feelings, but the ones that have know exactly what i am talking about...

love doesn't strike anyone by the image, it strikes from the heart!!! Most of us think that love comes from a physical attraction, to a certain degree it may be so, but it comes from the core of your soul...without that the physical attraction will vanished in time. As time goes by we get old and gray, we don't see things as clear as we used to, but the only thing we still see is the one we love with the same charm, we still see the same spark in their eyes, and they still look to us as they did the first time we fell in love with them...

Love doesn't choose the young or the old, the rich or the poor, love measures no distance, and swims no oceans...

Love can enter our hearts in all different ways, even if you don't believe in it!

So my friends let's never underestimate the POWER OF LOVE!!!

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