Postbox Live: Technology - Think you're a Tech whiz?

Technology - Think you're a Tech whiz?


Technology - Think you're a Tech whiz?


Think you're a tech whiz ?

You might be surprised! Discover the top tech terms you're likely mispronouncing and how to say them correctly.


1.GIF: Pronounced “jif” not “gif”.


2. Cache: Pronounced “cash”, not “kay-shay”.


3.SQL: Pronounced both “sequel” and “S-Q-L”.


4.MySQL: Pronounced “MY-S-Q-L”.


5.PostgreSQL: Pronounced “Postgres”.


6. Adobe: Pronounced “Ado-bee”, not “a-dobb”.


7. Nginx: Pronounced “Engine-X”.


8. Kubernetes: Pronounced “Coober-netties”.


9. SAP: Pronounced “S-A-P”.


10.Xiaomi: Pronounced “sha-o-mee”, not “zi-o-mi” or “zi-ao-mi”.


11. Huawei: Pronounced “wah-way”, not “hua-way” or “hua-wei”.


12. OS X: Pronounced “ou-es ten”, not “ou-es ex”.


13. ASUS: Pronounced “a-seuss” or “eh-sus”, not “a-su-ss”.


14. Meme: Pronounced “meem”, not “mem” or “me-me”.


15. Imgur: Pronounced “image-er” or “im-ij-er”, not “im-jer”.


16. Pwn: Pronounced “own” or “our”, sometimes “won” or “pawn”.


17.G’zOne: Pronounced “jeez-wun”, not “jiz-one” or “jee-zee-wun”.


18. Qi: Pronounced “chee”, not as it appears.


19. Ubuntu: Pronounced “oo-bun-too”, not “you-bun-too”.


20.Linux: Pronounced “linn-ux”, not “lie-nux” .


21. Router: In US English, both “router” and “rooter” are correct, but in British English, it’s only “rooter”.


22. Wi-Fi: Pronounced “wahy-fahy” or “wye-fye” in English, “wee-fee” in France and Spain, and “vee-fee” in Poland.


23. Siri: Pronounced “si-ree”.


24. Bluetooth: Pronounced “bloo-tooth”.


25.Javascript: Pronounced “jah-va-skript”.


26. Hashtag: Pronounced “hash-tag”. 

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